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Residual current protection

Residual current protection

Protective shutdown devices are special devices that are used to turn on / off the power supply under certain conditions. Protects buildings from fire when electricity leaks due to damaged wiring and protects people from electric shock.

A special element is installed in the residual current protection - a differential transformer that analyzes the currents entering it. And when the smallest difference in values \u200b\u200bis detected, it breaks all the contacts included in it and turns off the load in which the leak was detected. This device uses Kirchhoff's rule during operation: the sum of the currents entering the node is equal to the sum of the currents leaving. When operating normally, the checksum is zero, but once it exceeds a predetermined value, part of the circuit is defective and the power supply must be shut off.

Дефектнотокова защита1 | Енекст България
Residual current protection

In terms of safety, circuit breakers are in many ways superior to various automatic devices and fuses, as they react to the slightest leakage of current in the circuit and are designed to protect people from electric shock. This means they have a very short setup time - they start up in 20-40ms, which is almost lightning fast. However, despite the advantage over fuses, the RCD is an independent device that performs the role of protection against electric shock and sometimes cannot detect and prevent network faults. For example, if the phase is shorted to zero, Kirchhoff's law will be observed and the DTZ will not work, until the fuse will blow and save the circuit from short circuit.
In our online store you can find a wide variety of residual current protection for different purposes.

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